Capturing Student Voices
As we crafted a Vision Statement for “House, Harkness, Heart” central to our new strategic focus on community wellbeing, we worked hard to include a broad range of voices. The goal was to get the community’s “fingerprints” on the plan as it took shape, long before we went public.
With this in mind, we held a series of working sessions in winter and spring 2023 to draw input from faculty, staff, parents, trustees, and alumni. And, of course, no constituency was more important than our students. In order to ensure that their words, phrases, and concepts helped shape the vision, we asked participants a series of questions, such as “Picture a happy, thriving House community: What is the first word that comes to mind?” Their responses formed a word cloud in which “Love” was most prominent, followed by “Support,” “Fun,” and “Family.” The next largest words spoke to “Friends” and “Trust,” and then “Connection,” “Caring,” and “Community.”
When we asked them what came to mind when they thought of “an engaging, supportive, challenging Harkness classroom,” the word “Community” emerged most notably in the word cloud, with “Collaboration,” “Respect,” and “Debate” drawing nearly as many responses, with several others mentioned as well.
Building on this input, we asked respondents to develop their thinking a bit further. We invited them to finish the sentence: “The House is a safe, supportive place for all students because…” Our students came back with thoughtfully reassuring answers: “…heads of houses are very involved and prefects are present.” “…of my adviser.” “…all members of the House prioritize the happiness and safety of others.” “…people care for each other.”
Similarly, students offered their perspective on the ideal Harkness environment by completing this sentence: “The Harkness classroom supports intellectual growth and self-confidence because…” Given the caliber of our students, we should not be surprised that free flow of ideas was one aspect they particularly valued: “…all voices are able to be heard.” “…it makes you think about something you aren’t comfortable thinking about.” “…supportive teachers who help facilitate two-sided discussions.” “…people are not afraid to speak out.” “…people listen.” “…we challenge each other.” “…everyone has a voice.” “…the diversity of perspectives and opinions.”
Building on multiple input sessions across many constituencies and involving questions about many aspects of community wellbeing, we hatched the Vision, which serves to paint the picture of where we are heading. Most important, we were able to incorporate language that demonstrates particularly what our students value most about Lawrenceville as well as their aspirations for an even stronger future as the following excerpts show so powerfully:
Overall wellbeing is enhanced when students feel safe, supported, and empowered in an environment that promotes kindness, respect, joy, and a measured pace of life.
Lawrenceville’s House system, vital to a sense of belonging at the School, is strengthened when House culture, spirit, and values are purposefully developed … and when every student helps make the House a fundamentally friendly and welcoming community.
Essential to Harkness teaching is the democracy of voices engaged around a table, where no voice is marginalized, and differing perspectives and independent thinking are encouraged. … [And where] creativity, reflection, curiosity, and a love of learning are universal aspects of the academic experience.
So “House, Harkness, Heart” is launched with a powerful vision for the future and a robust roadmap of initiatives to help us get there. Please see the article on our strategic plan in this issue of The Lawrentian, and stay tuned for additional updates as we measure our progress going forward.
Stephen S. Murray H’54 ’55 ’63’65 ’16 P’16 ’21
The Shelby Cullom Davis ’26 Head of School